Echobatix Lite version 1.1 is a new release of the free iOS app for text accessibility. The app now includes a What’s New screen. The Training screen describes how to use Explore mode and Read mode.
Echobatix Lite was created to provide real-time touch screen interaction and text accessibility for people who are blind, low vision, or have trouble reading printed text. The app works with VoiceOver and with Larger Text.
The video below introduces the new version of Echobatix Lite.
Echobatix Lite 1.1
Echobatix Lite is a free app for iOS that reads printed text aloud for you. If you’re blind, have low vision, or have trouble reading printed text or the buttons on control panels, the Echobatix Lite app was made for you. The app supports VoiceOver and larger fonts.
The app works with your phone’s back-facing camera.
There are two ways to use the app: Explore and Read. In Explore mode, point your finger at text and the app reads the text aloud. This is useful for buttons or short text of a few words.
I’ll use Explore mode to move my finger across the control panel and read the
buttons. My hand is about 12 inches from the back of my iPhone.
In Read mode, I’ll read the jar in my hand and find out what flavor the jelly
“select read mode…
lemon curd flavored with berry heal…”
To get started, download the Echobatix Lite app for free on the App Store, accept the
safety disclaimer, allow camera access, read the What’s New screen, and continue.
Then the app is ready to use.
Within the app you can activate the Help button at top right. Then activate the Training button for an explanation of app features, and for a link to our website: