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Accessibility in Gaming: References

(Updated 24 September 2024)

Matt Shifrin (Lego for the Blind, Bricks for the Blind) and Gary Bartos (Echobatix) presented Accessible Gaming at Comicazi in Somerville, Massachusetts on Sunday 30 June 2024.

Contact Matt and/or Gary about accessible gaming:

Mobile A11y (Mobile Accessibility) is a blog for developers about improving accessibility. Bookmark the page when you want to figure out how to support dark mode on iOS, how to provide image descriptions, and so on.


Accessibility software for Windows or Mac.

RetinAid Tabletop

Card reader for many popular games.

“The biggest hurdle of accessible games may be the community, not developers” by Joe Parlock (2019). Parlock is stereoblind, autistic, and lives with chronic pain.

Tabletop Game Accessibility: Meeple Centered Design by Michael James Herron

Dr. Herron is also the editor of the website Meeple Like Us.

Think Like a UX Researcher by David Travis & Philip Hodgson

Gameplay observation can borrow practices from user experience testing.

The Human Controller: Usability and Accessibility in Video Game Interfaces” by Eitan Glinert (2008 Master’s Thesis, MIT)

Any added cost is certainly offset by an increased potential market, as an accessible game is one which impaired individuals can purchase. Furthermore, accessibility design themes tend to make games more usable for everyone, resulting in a game which will be easier to use for a broad section of the population.

Eitan Glinert

The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman

Norman’s bestseller is highly influential, and short! If you’re new to design thinking, make The Design of Everyday Things your first book on the subject.

Once Norman’s book has broken your brain a little bit, pay attention to how many Norman Doors you encounter.

Universal Principles of Design by Lidwell, Holden, and Butler

How does one conceive of the tradeoffs between flexibility and usability? How can design take advantage of biases of human perception? Or avoid those biases? These are the types of questions answered by this wonderful book, itself beautifully designed.

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte

How can visual data be presented elegantly? How little “ink” is required to present data? People with cortical visual impairment (CVI) can be especially sensitive to visual clutter.

(Bonus points: how can Tufte’s principles by applied to design for other senses?)

Design Meets Disability by Graham Pullin

If you’re going to design assistive technology, make it

Pullin’s book references the carved wooden prosthetic legs of Aimee Mullins, an athlete, public speaker, and model.

Synesthetic Design by Michael Haverkamp

As of late July 2024, Gary is still in the midst of reading this book on loan from the engineering library at Olin School of Engineering. Despite having only read part of the book, it’s already worthy of a recommendation.

By the way, Olin professors and students are responsible for excellent work in assistive technology and accessibility.

St. Edward’s is a private university in Austin, Texas.

As a Video Game Development major, you’ll learn every phase of the process of creating games: building a concept, prototyping, narrative design, asset creation, testing and release.

“10 Vision-Friendly Games (with a Special Guest)”: a discussion between Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games and Gary Bartos of Echobatix

“The Last of Us, Part II: Most Accessible. Game. Ever!” with Steve Saylor

“What I See When Playing Video Games” by Steve Saylor

Wingspan Vision-Friendly Cards by Elizabeth Hargrave (Stonemaier Games)

Wingspan is the 2019 winner of the Kennerspiel des Jahres (Connoisseur-gamer Game of the Year).

Wyrmspan by Connie Vogelman (Stonemaier Games)

Wyrmspan is a Wingspan game featuring dragons. Dragons!

The Wyrmspan cards carry over design improvements for Wingspan Vision-Friendly Cards:

Dragon Soul by Sebastian Bäverstam

Bäverstam design Dragon Soul to be friendly to people who are color blind. For example, the four castle pieces are distinguished by color and by shape.

Now there’s a Brailled a copy of Dragon Soul!

TacTile by Friendly Bee Game Company

At the time of writing, TacTile has not yet released. However, check out the discussion thread on as the game designer asks for suggestions and makes design changes.

TacTile walkthrough

Mattel’s Colorblind Accessible Games

Mattel has announced it will make 80% of its most popular games colorblind accessible.

Games will be rolling in throughout 2024 and will include UNO®, Dos, Blokus, Phase 10™, Skip-Bo™ and Ker Plunk.

The Last of Us 2 / PlayStation accessibility

There are lots of accessibility features!

Read about Accessibility Tags and other topics:

PlayAbility Consultancy

Play-Ability is a consultancy with team members representing a broad range of disabilities: strength & dexterity, blindness, hard of hearing / Deaf, colourblindness, emotional, cognitive, low vision, and speech. Wow!

Easy Surf (Canada)

Check out the Easy Surf page about Game Services! The statistics on that page make clear how many gamers would benefit from improved accessibility.

450 million gamers identify as having a disability or an impairment. …
82% of gamers think accessibility options in games are important. …
86% of gamers with disabilities connect in groups or communities related to games to share experiences and recommendations.”

The Easy Surf team includes deaf advocate Rikki Poynter.

Colorblind Games

Brian Chandler is the owner of Colorblind Games. Chandler is also a team member of PlayAbility Consultancy.


“Fable is digital accessibility, powered by people with disabilities”

This page is designed to be accessible to people using screen readers and audio interfaces. Links are provided as buttons, or as links on separate lines.

Published in Games


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