In this video we explain the Explore mode, its purpose, where to use it, and more.
The first mode on the Echobatix app is called the Explore mode. The Explore mode is the first thing that will pop up once you open up the Echobatix app. The Explore mode helps users to get real time audio feedback of short form texts that they are trying to read. You can use the Explore mode on appliances to read buttons or on paper to read little short form text.
When using the Explorer mode it’s best to ensure that your hand is in view. When your hand is in view, you’re able to use the Explore mode. If your hand is not in view, then the Explore mode will not work for you. To know that your hand is in view, there’s two ways.
The first way is there is a little white hand graphic on the lower left hand corner of the Echobatix app to indicate that the hand is in view, for those of you who can see. If the white hand graphic is not there, there is a little red circle looking icon. And that will indicate that the hand is not in view.
Now, for those of you who need audio feedback, there are two sounds to listen to. The first sound will indicate that your hand is in view. It kind of sounds like a beep, beep sound. And when your hand is not in view, it kind of sounds like a boop, boop sound. And that will indicate that your hand is no longer in view.
Please, use the Explore mode responsibly. And have fun. Thank you.